2014 [2007]. Infographic V: The ‘artist- artwork-spectator’ triangle: ‘making art’ and ‘experiencing art’ processes in the Transparent Act and their evaluation through the degree of transparency.
2014 [2007]. Infographic III: The matrix of art- works based on their qualities in medium and tool.
2014 [2007]. Infographic I: Communication processes in traditional mediums (one-way) and in technological mediums (two-way).
2014 [2007]. Infographic VI: Conceptual representation of the ‘Mind Cupola’ / ‘Eye Resonator’.
2014 [2007]. Infographic IV: Degree of trans- parency (or intimacy between artwork and spectator) as the outcome of the ow production by the applications of invisible tool, degree of openness and responsiveness.
2014 [2006]. Infographic II: Tool and medium as applications of ‘making art’ and ‘experiencing art’ processes.
2014 [2007]. Infographic VII: Conceptual representation of the ‘Mind Cupola’s’ / ‘Eye Resonator’s’ feedback system.